API Reference

Attached family items

Once the attachment is defined, while creating or updating a subscription, the addon- or charge-item prices are selected automatically based on the plan-item price selected . Let’s look at the details:


Addons can be attached to plans as recommended, mandatory.

  • When an addon is attached as mandatory for a plan, the addon gets applied to subscriptions for the plan compulsorily, unless removed explicitly. If you do not pass an item price for a mandatory addon when including the plan in a subscription, an addon-item price is automatically applied as explained below.


Charges can also be attached to plans. When doing so, you specify the event at which the charge is to be applied to the subscription.

There may be multiple item prices for a given attached charge. The item price that matches the currency of the plan-item price is automatically selected for application.

Here’s an example:

Consider a plan Standard Cloud Storage has a charge named Implementation Fee attached to it. Now consider their item prices below, with the following periods and currencies:

Item price for “Standard Cloud Storage” plan-item:

Standard Cloud Storage3 yearsAUD

Item prices for “Implementation Fee” charge-item:

Implementation FeeUSD
Implementation FeeAUD
Implementation FeeEUR

From among the charge-item prices above, the one compatible with the plan-item price is “Implementation Fee, AUD” since it has the same currency as the plan-item price.

Rainex API supports 6 endpoints for interacting with the attached family items: