404 | You’re trying to retrieve or work with a resource that does not exist. For example, you’re trying to get the customer with a specific ID, but a customer with such ID is not found in our records. Another example could be attaching a Plan to a product family, but the family you specified cannot be found. Also this status code is returned when there is no project with the project name. |
409 | A request is trying to create or update an entity with a value of a field which must be unique but an entity with such a value of the field already exists. |
401 | Request is not authorized (invalid key, no key specified, etc.). |
403 | User does not have required permissions (the key is valid but it has no access to this specific endpoint). |
400 | Bad Request - in other cases of invalid request. |
200 | Ok - successful response of common use. |
201 | Created - creating entities. |
202 | Accepted - for asynchronous operations. |
204 | No Content - returned for successful DELETE requests. |