API Reference

Update a subscription by id

Updates current term ends date of a subscription with the specified id

Here are the enums that are contained in the answer:

statusFuture, InTrial, Active, NonRenewing, Paused, Cancel, Deleted, PendingPayment
billingCyclesForever, Fixed
discounts[type]FixedAmount, Percentage
discounts[applyOn]InvoiceAmount, SpecificItemPrice
discounts[durationType]OneTime, Forever
items[chargeOnEvent]SubscriptionCreation, SubscriptionActivation, Immediately
changeOptionimmediately_with_prorate, subscription_next_renewal

Error codes:

NotFoundA subscription with such an Id cannot be found
PlanItemPriceNotFoundThere is no plan with any of ids specified in “items” array
ItemPricesNotFoundsome of ids in “items” array belong to product family item prices that cannot be found, or “discounts” array contains product family item prices that are not listed in “items” array
ItemPricesHasDifferentPricingModelpricing model of some of the product family item prices is different from the pricing model specified in the request